I’m Adam Bouse.

I'm curious about the world and what is possible, both in everyday life and at the scale of our planetary existence.

This is the official newsletter of Optimistic Coaching.

“Possibilitarian” is a word that reflects my desire to stay awake to the idea of possibilities, rather than limited by what has been or is. I’m not always a “glass half full” person, but I’ve come to see clearly that optimism is a teachable, trainable skill. I am a student in this arena as much as anything else.

In this newsletter, you’ll find a few things:

  • A reflection on my own pursuit of the mindset of optimism and intentional living

  • Insights, anecdotes, and research about about an optimistic, possibilitarian approach to life

  • Links to articles, podcasts, and research to spark curiosity about people and the world around us all

In the day-to-day, I’m an emotional intelligence and optimism coach, working with clients around the globe. I believe everyone is inherently worthy of love and belonging.


Subscribe to Possibilitarian

Choosing to find possibilities in an unknown future. Seeking out and practicing optimism. An Optimistic Coaching newsletter.


“I was skeptical going in...but you were very helpful.”